How do you practice your art of Mothering?
With patience. Lots of it. Both for myself and my son. We are both learning. As he grows, so does my expectations on his behavior, and this is a sure loss for both of us that results in misunderstanding and one of us having a tantrum. Perpetually weaving my agenda with his, patiently taking the time to understand what his goals for the task, or the hour are, and finding ways to braid it into my own work and
home needs usually results in an awesome day for both of us. Slowing down…..
What are the simple things in life that fill my heart?
Hiking with my husband and son, beach days, reading stories in bed together,
and getting to share a nourishing meal together. Basically, when we get to be present with each other in the wild. It’s the nectar that fills my heart.
What is one thing you think your child loves about you?
My willingness to jump in with him where ever he is, if it’s playing blocks and building towns or crawling around on the earth looking for worms, or holding him while he is scared, I am available for him.
What was one thing you gained out of your experience with mothering arts?
Friendships with women whom I love, respect and get to share this mothering journey with. I felt so very alone when he was a newborn and none of my friends had kids. Mothering Arts opened a door to a community and also gave me the time to discover I was still existing within this new identity of Mother.
Mothering Arts seeks to uplift and inspire parents to celebrate their unique art of mothering. When we can share and witness our one of a kind gifts, true community and connection blossoms. Through our daily lives, we express a shared experience, the dynamic experience of mothering. Click here to learn about becoming a group leader.
Each mother is an artist and life itself is her canvas. If you are interested in sharing your unique art of mothering, please send us a note through our contact page.
Sierra has been working with essential oils for 9 years and is passionate about healthy lifestyles that nurture and nourish. This enables her dedication to building out her essential oil business.